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Norse Magic


49 cards (140 x 98 mm), book with around 144 pages, April 2024

Immerse yourself in the origins of Nordic spirituality. With this oracle deck, Jennie Appel and Dirk Grosser introduce you to Norse mythology in a unique way. They tell you the stories of the origins of the world, the many deities such as Thor, Freyja, and Loki, of exciting adventures and cunning, love, magic, and battle. Embark on this journey that will awaken your senses and strengthen your basic trust! The magical rituals for each card allow you to put this spirituality into practice. Tattoo artist and founder of the band „Heilung“ Kai Uwe Faust has created fascinating illustrations that visualize the figures, actions, and themes of the cards in ancient magic signs, so called sigils. These magical images are ideal for rituals, small spells and as symbols for your spiritual practice.

Le Tarot du Dragon Celtique FR


Plongez dans les anciennes traditions celtiques pendant que votre magie et vos divinations se prélassent dans le souffle enflammé du Tarot du dragon celtique de D. J. Conway et Lisa Hunt. En utilisant sa connaissance des anciennes énergies des dragons (elle a écrit le livre populaire, Dancing with Dragons), D. J. Conway a conçu l’un des jeux de tarot les plus vifs et puissants jamais créés. L’art de ce deck a été créé par l’illustratrice fantastique bien connue Lisa Hunt et vous apportera des frissons dans la colonne vertébrale. Le tarot du dragon celtique est un ensemble qui combine un jeu de 78 cartes en couleur et un livre de 240 pages, Un guide du tarot du dragon celtique. Ensemble, ils peuvent renforcer vos lectures, votre magie et votre cœur. Aucun mot ne peut exprimer la beauté de ce deck. L’étonnante attention portée aux détails sur chaque carte, des volutes délicates sur les vêtements à l’intensité des expressions sur les personnes et de nombreuses images différentes de dragons, vous étonnera. Le livre vous donne tout ce que vous devez savoir pour faire du Tarot du dragon celtique une partie de votre travail spirituel et magique quotidien.
Explications complètes du symbolisme sur chaque carte. Significations divinatoires pour chaque carte. Quatre spreads de tarot que vous pouvez utiliser pour faire des lectures pour vous-même et pour les autres. Sorts utilisant des bougies et ce deck pour la guérison, la chance, la protection, l’amour et plus encore. Comment méditer avec ce deck, comprenant trois méditations guidées. Comprenez les influences de la vie passée sur le présent.
Développez des capacités psychiques. Le tarot du dragon celtique est un nouvel ajout passionnant à votre vie magique. Que vous soyez intéressé par le Tarot, les Celtes, la magie ou l’amélioration personnelle, ce livre et ce jeu sont indispensables.
78 cartes
langue de la carte: français
livre: français; 240 pp

Lenormand de Paris


36 cards (120 x 70 mm), book with around 140 pages, March 2024

A Guide to Symbolic Divination through the beautiful streets of Paris. The Lenormand de Paris is a captivating fusion of the timeless 18th century cartomancy tradition and the iconic imagery of the romantic city of Paris. Drawing on the Lenormand tradition, where symbols hold deep meanings and storytelling is woven through the cards, the Lenormand de Paris connects the threads of past and present, divination and art. Whether you’re a seasoned cartomancer, or a curious seeker, this deck offers layers of symbolism that will spark your intuition and awaken your inner oracle. Clarissa Shanahan holds a BFA from University of Pennsylvania and the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts. Originally from New York, she additionally studied painting at New York Academy of Art. Clarissa has been practicing tarot for 25 plus years. It’s her belief that we get answers when we need them, from any source that we’re open to.

Rune Oracle (GB Edition)


Release date: 20.01.2022

24 Rune Cards with Book.

Runes were used not only as characters, but also as oracles and are carriers of an ancient magical tradition. In 24 characters they represent basic themes of human life. Each of these fascinating cards represents one of the 24 runes. The mysterious, artistically unique images symbolically represent the meanings of the runes and allow us deep access to their history, mythology and wisdom. We can draw the cards intuitively and be inspired or get answers to questions in different, creative layings. The extensive book gives exciting historical information, summarizes important myths and explains in detail the meanings of the individual cards.

A Shaman Oracle – 40 Mythical Soul Images from the Indian Southwest


Path of the Shaman refers to an inner attitude. It requires a naturally attentive yet fully relaxed opening for the wholeness of Life. Let us dive into this spiritual way of being

and let us start our personal Vision Quest, our finding and manifesting purpose.

Author and artist convey in sensitive manner many aspects of the background and various accesses to the Path of the Shaman – based on sound mythological, spiritual and historic foundations. You find out more about the origin and meaning of the 40 symbols and images, you learn about several methods of laying out the cards and interpreting them. And you will read about brief rituals and practical exercises to experience more of the power of these symbols.


40 cards

70 x 110 mm

180 full colored booklet

spread sheet 43 x 50 cm

Astro-Cards GB


Release date: 27.10.2022

Dive into the magical world of astrology!

These fascinating cards will help you understand your own birth horoscope & discover unimagined abilities within yourself. They decipher for you the secrets of the 12 zodiac signs, 12 planets, 12 houses, & calculation points such as Lilith & the Moon’s Nodes.

The Astro-Cards also accompany you through the astrological year. Use them for readings about moon phases, zodiac signs, planetary constellations, etc. or for specific life questions.

In the booklet, the astrologist Tanja Brock clarifies in-depth the backgrounds & contexts, explains each card, & gives numerous examples & ideas for using the cards.

Embark on an exciting journey to yourself!

Contents: 43 cards and 160-page booklet

Azra’s Golden Lenormand: 36 Golden Lenormand cards in modern, enchanting design


36 cards (120 x 70 mm), booklet, September 2024

Lenormand reader Azra Manzoor gives you a modern approach to the traditional Lenormand oracle cards. She explains how you can easily start with card reading, trust your own intuition and successfully perform readings for yourself or others. She describes classic as well as new reading patterns and interprets each of the 36 cards. She especially focuses on the relationships of the cards to each other, mentions time periods and energy qualities as well as practical tips, affirmations and small selfcare rituals. The beautiful Golden Lenormand cards in this set are based on the traditional Lenormand Blue Owl, but in a magical, modern design.

Mudras for Body, Mind & Spirit


Mudras – special finger and hand position exercises which transform our hands into real “powerhouses”.
The mudras display a correspondence with the more widely known yoga exercises and like them, they help to
strengthen the flow of life-energy within minutes; they have a fortifying effect on all levels and reduce stress. Mudras to relieve physical complaints. Mudras to cope with stress. Mudras for mental refreshment. Mudras for mental and emotional equilibrium. Mudras for one’s spiritual development. Gertrud Hirschi is a bestseller authoress who has gaine a worldwide reputation with her books on yoga and mudras. Her mudra books have even been translated into Hindi and are recommended reading in India. The artist Vreni Erzberger has made a small work of art out of each illustration. Everything which you need in order to use a mudra can be found directly on the card itself.

Lovely Animals Oracle GB


Release date: 23.03.2022

Magical Animal Oracle Cards

The colorful power animals of the artist Helena de Almeida give you loving, positive energy and warm your heart. The magical animals accompany you on your way, strengthen you and inspire you with all life questions. Discover your personal helper animal – whether on land, in the water or in the air. These fascinating cards show how diverse and colorful the animal kingdom is, from ladybirds to llamas to starfish and pandas. In the booklet you will find the strengths and messages of each animal, as well as impulses on what is important for you in your current situation.

Tarot von A.E. Waite – iCards GB


Release date: 31.3.2022

78 tarot cards with interactive additional options incl. link to the free app in the App Store or Play Store.

Experience a new dimension of card-reading!
Tarot-iCards are 78 tarot cards by A.E. Waite that offer you completely new possibilities: Draw a card and scan it with your mobile phone or tablet. In an app you can read the interpretation, integrate it into different reading patterns and save each reading with notes, date and questions. This way you can create your own tarot diary. In addition, novel magnifying glass effects show you the symbols of the Major Arcana in detail and explain their respective meanings.
The app texts come from Hajo Banzhaf and the book “Tarot für dich – Selfcare und Empowerment mit den magischen Karten” by Noemi Christoph. They also give you a lot of background as well as tips on how you can creatively use tarot as a modern tool of self-care in your everyday life.

Urban Tarot


Urban Tarot is a loving homage to the metropolis and all its diverse inhabitants. This stunning deck provides a map to your own inner city, a guide for the twenty-first century seeker of truth, insight, and magic living in the urban landscape. This unique vision of the tarot presents a set of ancient symbols, designed to help you see the miraculous in the modern and the mundane. The 78-card deck comes with an 84-page guidebook to help you find insight and understanding from the challenges of urban life. The book includes personal commentary by the artist about the people and events who inspired Urban Tarot.

Board the train line that eats its own tail and journey with us. Feel the power pulsing below the pavement. Move to the music of traffic, and breathe in the smells of smoke and sweat, of hot pizza and the impossible. Within these cards, you will find the familiar and the fantastic sharing a four-story walkup apartment, where the avenues of Dream and Reality cross.

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