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Lovely Animals Oracle GB


Release date: 23.03.2022

Magical Animal Oracle Cards

The colorful power animals of the artist Helena de Almeida give you loving, positive energy and warm your heart. The magical animals accompany you on your way, strengthen you and inspire you with all life questions. Discover your personal helper animal – whether on land, in the water or in the air. These fascinating cards show how diverse and colorful the animal kingdom is, from ladybirds to llamas to starfish and pandas. In the booklet you will find the strengths and messages of each animal, as well as impulses on what is important for you in your current situation.

Tarot von A.E. Waite – iCards GB


Release date: 31.3.2022

78 tarot cards with interactive additional options incl. link to the free app in the App Store or Play Store.

Experience a new dimension of card-reading!
Tarot-iCards are 78 tarot cards by A.E. Waite that offer you completely new possibilities: Draw a card and scan it with your mobile phone or tablet. In an app you can read the interpretation, integrate it into different reading patterns and save each reading with notes, date and questions. This way you can create your own tarot diary. In addition, novel magnifying glass effects show you the symbols of the Major Arcana in detail and explain their respective meanings.
The app texts come from Hajo Banzhaf and the book “Tarot für dich – Selfcare und Empowerment mit den magischen Karten” by Noemi Christoph. They also give you a lot of background as well as tips on how you can creatively use tarot as a modern tool of self-care in your everyday life.

Urban Tarot


Urban Tarot is a loving homage to the metropolis and all its diverse inhabitants. This stunning deck provides a map to your own inner city, a guide for the twenty-first century seeker of truth, insight, and magic living in the urban landscape. This unique vision of the tarot presents a set of ancient symbols, designed to help you see the miraculous in the modern and the mundane. The 78-card deck comes with an 84-page guidebook to help you find insight and understanding from the challenges of urban life. The book includes personal commentary by the artist about the people and events who inspired Urban Tarot.

Board the train line that eats its own tail and journey with us. Feel the power pulsing below the pavement. Move to the music of traffic, and breathe in the smells of smoke and sweat, of hot pizza and the impossible. Within these cards, you will find the familiar and the fantastic sharing a four-story walkup apartment, where the avenues of Dream and Reality cross.

Old English Tarot


World-renowned artist Maggie Kneen has taken her inspiration for Old English Tarot from the medieval English manuscript Luttrell Psalter, written and illustrated in the 14th century by Sir Geoffrey Luttrell. The detailed images, ranging from peasant life to religious scenes, provide a visual reference for everyday life in medieval England. Its richly patterned, heraldic borders and distinctive colors schemes directly inspired Old English Tarot. This unique deck invites you to relax and let your imagination explore a long ago era when possibilities were endless. Old English Tarot inspires a peaceful atmosphere for readings and meditation.

Celtic Lenormand


This 45-card deck, with colorful artwork by Will Worthington, provides additional tree, animal and people cards for nuanced readings. Three different bird cards represent the triple goddess. In-depth descriptions for each card include keywords, divinatory meanings, suggestions for spell use, timing, spiritual messages, dark and light aspects, and affirmations. The illustrated guidebook also presents interpretations based on the phases of the moon and the Wheel of the Year. It includes card spreads and instructions for several different methods of reading with the Celtic Lenormand deck.

Positive Astrology Cards GB – Enhancing your life through astrology in positive ways


“The Positive Astrology Cards unlock the ancient wisdom of the stars. For beginners or experienced astrologers, the detailed guidebook and gorgeous 73-card deck assists you in understanding your personality and knowing how to best utilize the qualities of the zodiac’s daily and monthly cycles for abundance and success. Learn to give readings with a positive approach to enrich the lives of yourself and others. Krystal Savoy is an intuitive astrologer, graphic designer, The Positive Astrology Cards unlock the ancient wisdom of the stars. For beginners or experienced astrologers, the detailed guidebook and gorgeous 73-card deck assists you in understanding your personality and knowing how to best utilize the qualities of the zodiac’s daily and monthly cycles for abundance and success. Learn to give readings with a positive approach to enrich the lives of yourself and others. Krystal Savoy is an intuitive astrologer, graphic designer, writer and entrepreneur. She graduated from the Art Institute of Pittsburgh in 2003.

Decouvrez Bouddha (Osho Bouddha Box FR)


Nous portons tous en nous le potentiel de devenir un Bouddha à part entière. Ce magnifique paquet, comprenant 53 des cartes spectaculaires, des sutras qui développent l’esprit et un guide d’accompagnement sont les clés pour libérer ce pouvoir. Ils aident le processus d’éveil, de donner sens et signification à nos vies. Chaque magnifique carte comporte une photographie de une statue de Bouddha, une courte citation du livre connu sous le nom de Dhammapada et un commentaire sur le sutra.

Love Oracle (English GB)


No other topic is asked about as often in card reading as love. We wish for simple statements, and yet our decisions, longings, hopes, ideals and also difficulties are often based on so much that is misunderstood and undiscovered. Christephania,s love oracle helps you to uncover your deeper motives and intentions. The 40 unusual, dream-like collages of these cards open up intuitive levels of your soul. Each card deals with a fundamental aspect in couple relationships. In this comprehensive book, Christiane Neumann explains the creative use of the cards, gives numerous examples and explains patterns. She interprets each card in detail and shows you how you can use the cards to understand your situation, find solutions or open up new perspectives.

Maya Astro Cards: 44 astrological oracle cards with booklet


44 cards (138 x 95 mm), booklet with around 192 pages, July 2024

The mysterious culture of the Maya fascinates with its unique understanding of the cosmos, time and energies to this day. With its spiral structure of 260 days, the Mayan calendar unites the quantitative comprehension of time with the idea of a quality of time. Each day is understood in its energy through archetypes, tones and waves, and at the same time the character of each person through their date of birth.

Maya astrologer Bianca Feddersen gives a deep insight into this mysterious culture and its completely unique understanding of the big picture. Together with astrologer Tanja Brock (author of the Astro Cards, see page 10), she shows a modern interpretation of how this ancient knowledge helps you today to better understand the connections of the cosmos and yourself.