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Марсельское Таро Convos (Russian Edition)


Марсельское Таро – одно из старейших и самых популярных карт Таро. Это не факсимиле, а основанное на старинной резьбе по дереву Марсельское Таро Николя Конверта XVIII века. Художник Отто Спалингер использовал совершенно новую окраску и учел различные иконографические традиции, чтобы добиться этой впечатляющей художественной колоды. Яркие цвета оживляют старые шаблоны новой яркой жизнью.

Marseille Tarot Convos SP


El Tarot de Marsella es uno de los Tarot más antiguos y populares de la historia. No es un facsímil, sino que está basado en la antigua presentación en madera del Tarot de Marsella de Nicolas Conver del siglo XVIII. El artista Otto Spalinger utilizó un colorido completamente nuevo y consideró diferentes tradiciones iconográficas para lograr esta baraja artísticamente impresionante. Los colores brillantes dan vida a las viejas plantillas.

Cosmic Tarot NL


De bedoeling van de kosmische Tarot is om de oude kennis toegankelijk en begrijpelijk te maken voor iedereen door zo weinig mogelijk geheime symbolen te gebruiken. Je de betekenis begrijpen zonder de oude geheime leringen van astrologie, Cabalistische, numerologie en de boom van het leven te kennen. De Cosmic Tarot maakt oude kennis voor iedereen toegankelijk door zo weinig mogelijk geheime dan te gebruiken. De betekenis is begrijpelijk, ook zonder kennis van de oude geheime leer van astrologie, kabbalistische numerologie en de boom des levens.

Mudras for Body, Mind & Spirit


Mudras – special finger and hand position exercises which transform our hands into real “powerhouses”.
The mudras display a correspondence with the more widely known yoga exercises and like them, they help to
strengthen the flow of life-energy within minutes; they have a fortifying effect on all levels and reduce stress. Mudras to relieve physical complaints. Mudras to cope with stress. Mudras for mental refreshment. Mudras for mental and emotional equilibrium. Mudras for one’s spiritual development. Gertrud Hirschi is a bestseller authoress who has gaine a worldwide reputation with her books on yoga and mudras. Her mudra books have even been translated into Hindi and are recommended reading in India. The artist Vreni Erzberger has made a small work of art out of each illustration. Everything which you need in order to use a mudra can be found directly on the card itself.

1JJ Swiss Tarot Cards GB


The 1JJ Swiss Tarot is an older style of tarot deck. The cards are reprints of early woodcut designs, printed in black and coloured with blocks of red, blue, green and yellow. Particularly clear and catchy motifs, therefore optimally suited for beginners.

Herbal Recognition Cards GB


Your card collection is designed to be a handy travel companion, much more convenient to take with you on country walks and gathering trips than a cumbersome book. Using your cards, you will be able to locate and recognize a wide variety of plants in the wild. Whether you want to collect your own herbs or simply appreciate natural beauty, your herbal collection will guide your footsteps.
49-card deck with self-explanatory texts
Laminated cards for outdoor use
49 cards
90 x 140 mm
card language: english

Titel Osho Zen Tarot – Japanese


The Osho Zen Tarot focuses on gaining an understanding of the here and now. It is a system based on the wisdom of Zen, a wisdom that says events in the outer world simply reflect our own thoughts and feelings, even though we ourselves might be unclear about what those thoughts and feelings are. So if it helps us to turn our attention away from outside events so we can find a new clarity of understanding about what is happening in our inner most hearts.

Decouvrez Bouddha (Osho Bouddha Box FR)


Nous portons tous en nous le potentiel de devenir un Bouddha à part entière. Ce magnifique paquet, comprenant 53 des cartes spectaculaires, des sutras qui développent l’esprit et un guide d’accompagnement sont les clés pour libérer ce pouvoir. Ils aident le processus d’éveil, de donner sens et signification à nos vies. Chaque magnifique carte comporte une photographie de une statue de Bouddha, une courte citation du livre connu sous le nom de Dhammapada et un commentaire sur le sutra.

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