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Spezzano, Chuck


"No matter how rich, poor, beautiful or successful we are, we all have or have had relationships that have deeply affected us and usually hurt us. Many of these relationships ended unpleasantly and left emotional scars, psychological scars or broken hearts." Chuck Spezzano, psychotherapist, coach, book author, and founder of Hawaii's "Psychology of Vision" asserts, "Every problem is a relationship problem." From his own painful experience he has specialized in healing broken hearts. For him, relationships are the strongest driving force of man.

Author's books

Healing Cards. The Conspiracy Deck


We cannot be happy unless we know ourselves. The Conspiracy Deck is a great tool for finding what has been deeply hidden, yet is still stopping us. If you choose, the cards will return your power back to where it belongs – to you!

90 cards: 45 Conspiracy Cards & 45 Positive Cards
A handbook (170 pages) explaining the nature of conspiracies and the traps they set up