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The Secret of Successful Wishing GB


The world is full of magical places, powerful and energetic. When we get in touch with these places, we can greatly increase our wish craft. The author has visited 49 of these specials locations and taken photographs of them. Each and every one of them can become a mighty and positive resonance field for you, enabling you to fulfill all of your desires.
Including 21 instruction cards, 49 affirmation cards.

Raven Cards GB


With clear, but by no means superficial words and images the Raven Cards provide an ever-present fund of hints and insights which shed light on difficult situation, provide a key to solving a thorny problem or simply point the way forward. To be in contact with the Raven means to tap into your own resources of inner joy and equanimity.

Divine Flow Set


The Divine Flow Set is a great new tool to bring divine flow into your life. You can discover solutions to problems, find guidance for your next step on your spiritual path, or simply be inspired to make your life more joyful. Angels, masters and divine beings of light connect with you each time to reflect the exact quality of divine flow that can help you to find a new direction and open your mind for joy and peace. Contents 54 cloured cards (9.5x14cm). Book with 118 pages.

Cosmic Tarot – Космическое Таро RU


Цель Космического Таро – сделать старые знания доступными и понятными каждому, используя как можно меньше секретных символов. Вы можете понять смысл, не зная старых секретных доктрин астрологии, каббалистическая нумерология и древо жизни. Космическое таро, Russian Edition, космическими мотивами, астрологии, каббалы, секретных знаков, карты палубе, Вселенной, тарологам

Rune Vision Cards GB


The runic alphabet was created two thousand years ago. It is steeped in magic and mysticism, encompassing this ancient culture’s beliefs and traditions. The runic oracle was used to enlist the powerful influence of the Norse gods and goddesses that it represented. Now you can do the same using the book and cards contained in this pack.

Power Animal Tarot – 4-Linguee


Power Animals connect your soul with the universe. Every animal has very special powers: encouraging powers, powers instilling patience, powers demanding vision. They symbolize gifts and talents residing in every human being, too. The images and texts draw our attention to these powers, support the questioner, offer help and solutions. Card and instruction booklet language: English, French, Spanish, German.

Марсельское Таро Convos (Russian Edition)


Марсельское Таро – одно из старейших и самых популярных карт Таро. Это не факсимиле, а основанное на старинной резьбе по дереву Марсельское Таро Николя Конверта XVIII века. Художник Отто Спалингер использовал совершенно новую окраску и учел различные иконографические традиции, чтобы добиться этой впечатляющей художественной колоды. Яркие цвета оживляют старые шаблоны новой яркой жизнью.

Marseille Tarot Convos SP


El Tarot de Marsella es uno de los Tarot más antiguos y populares de la historia. No es un facsímil, sino que está basado en la antigua presentación en madera del Tarot de Marsella de Nicolas Conver del siglo XVIII. El artista Otto Spalinger utilizó un colorido completamente nuevo y consideró diferentes tradiciones iconográficas para lograr esta baraja artísticamente impresionante. Los colores brillantes dan vida a las viejas plantillas.

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