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Cosmic Tarot GB


The intention of the Cosmic Tarot is to make the old knowledge accessible and understandable to everyone by using as few secret symbols as possible. You can grasp the meaning without knowing the old secret doctrines of astrology, cabalistic numerology and the tree of life.

Tarot of the Old Path


Tarot of the Old Path was created by two leaders of the Wiccan craft, with some of the most articulate voices in the movement as contributing advisors. This unique deck serves as a modern approach to what is known as the magical Old Religion, the Craft, or the Old Path of female wisdom. The deck’s vibrant artwork and clear symbolism holds just as much appeal for non-wiccan tarot readers.

Vision Quest Tarot SP


El tarot de la sabiduría amerindia de Gayan Silvie Winter & Jo Dosé

Todos queremos estar más  despiertos y ser más libres en nuestro  pensamiento, en nuestra  consciencia, en nuestro modo de vivir.

Con sus símbolos potentes, claros y  sencillos el tarot Vision-Quest puede ser de gran ayuda para tomar consciencia de las fuerzas del cosmos y del espíritu en el propio vivir.

78 cartas del tarot y un manual de instrucciones detallado.

Tarot of Gemstones & Crystals GB


“The power of gemstones, minerals, and crystals combine with the wisdom of tarot to create a unique and sparkling deck of full-color photographs. As a special feature of this Tarot, the cards which have been drawn can also be used to resolve the respective task or situation by using, carrying, or wearing the stones or metals described.” 78 cards & instruction booklet.

Tarot for everyone


“Hajo Banzhaf makes the direct application of the 78 Tarot cards a piece of cake with easy-to-read tables in this book.
He offers a succinct and yet comprehensive description of all the cards. The three laying systems presented in this
book cover all the important sections and questions of life.”

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