Oracles, various

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The Oracle of the Goddess


Discover the Female Powers of the Divine.

The Oracle of the Goddess brings the ancient concept of the goddess as part of the female consciousness back to life.

The artful images and the sensitively written text show what kind of messages and wisdom the archetypes of the goddess from different cultures still hold in stock for mankind today.

33 cards
95 x 140 mm
card language: english
book: english, 136 pp.

A Shaman Oracle – 40 Mythical Soul Images from the Indian Southwest


Path of the Shaman refers to an inner attitude. It requires a naturally attentive yet fully relaxed opening for the wholeness of Life. Let us dive into this spiritual way of being

and let us start our personal Vision Quest, our finding and manifesting purpose.

Author and artist convey in sensitive manner many aspects of the background and various accesses to the Path of the Shaman – based on sound mythological, spiritual and historic foundations. You find out more about the origin and meaning of the 40 symbols and images, you learn about several methods of laying out the cards and interpreting them. And you will read about brief rituals and practical exercises to experience more of the power of these symbols.


40 cards

70 x 110 mm

180 full colored booklet

spread sheet 43 x 50 cm

I-Ching by Klaus Holitzka


I-Ching ? or The Book of Changes ? is undoubtedly one of the oldest and most important books of wisdom and oracles known to us. All the profound thoughts and insights of Chinese philosophy have been incorporated into its wise teachings.

The 64 oracle cards have been designed in the traditional style of Chinese water color paintings. Executed by Klaus Holitzka, the artistic mastery of the present cards conveys in a wonderful way the message of each I Ching hexagram.

A detailed instruction booklet by Marlies Holitzka allows the reader direct access to the treasures of the ancient Chinese wisdom.

64 cards
70 x 120 mm
card language: none
instruction booklet: english

Power Animal Cards GB


Power Animals Spirit Guides for Your Spiritual Life. Animals fascinate and affect us. Often we intuit, that they possess exceptional powers and skills. When we mentally connect ourselves to them, we can use their spiritual powers and adopt their skills as our own. These unique animal cards, illustrated with great empathy, have their own aura. Find your very own personal animal helper – for a current issue, for the near future or for your whole life. Use the power and the messages they provide to build and extend your own potential. Regula Meyer lives a very spiritual life with a close proximity to nature. She conducts classes, workshops and workgroups, where she passes on her experience and her knowledge. She has also published several successful books. Karin Lurz is a photographer, a painter and an illustrator. In making these animal-illustrations, the versatile artist has fulfilled one of her heartfelt wishes.

Mystical Kipper – 36 Kipper Fortune telling Cards. English Edition GB


The traditional Kipper cards gleam in a new mystical splendor. After the Mystical Lenormand, Regula Elizabeth Fiechter introduces us to her Mystical Kipper deck, another treasure for those interested in divination. Due to the various person cards in the deck you will have the feeling that they speak directly to you giving you answers to your small and big questions of Life! Urban Trosch painted the 36 cards in the classical egg tempera technique. The result is a work of art with great luminous power and exactitude.

Symbolon Pocket GB


This deck reaches the memories of the soul. Astrology, personal insights, and symbolism in daily life are revealed through the cards. Constantly changing combinations of cards disclose the whole range of human experience. The Symbolon deck is a set of 78 images designed to help you remember forgotten aspects of yourself that are influencing your life from within.

Raven Cards GB


With clear, but by no means superficial words and images the Raven Cards provide an ever-present fund of hints and insights which shed light on difficult situation, provide a key to solving a thorny problem or simply point the way forward. To be in contact with the Raven means to tap into your own resources of inner joy and equanimity.

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