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Harris, Frieda


Author's books

Aleister Crowley Thoth Tarot (Standard Edition, English, GB)


Booklet with around 96 pages, 78 cards (103 x 70 mm), February 2024#

The Thoth Tarot was painted by the artist Frieda Lady Harris under the guidance of the famous occultist Aleister Crowley. Although Lady Harris knew very little about Tarot and its symbolism, she transferred all the subtleties into the paintings with great sensitivity. Numerous cards were painted in several versions until they finally met Crowley’s approval. For this current new edition, revisions and slight corrections were again made to the image data in order to best reproduce the fidelity of the original paintings. In addition, single card names (in some language editions) were corrected and the booklet – with the original interpretive texts of Aleister Crowley – revised and expanded.

– The THOTH TAROT by Frieda Harris and Aleister Crowley is, next to the Tarot by A.E. Waite, the most important tarot deck
– Revised image data adapted to the original paintings
– Revised and supplemented booklet
– Partially newly translated card names
– 3 sizes available – Deluxe – Standard – Pocket (english editions)

Aleister Crowley Thoth Tarot (Pocket Edition, English, GB)


Booklet with around 96 pages, 78 cards (84 x 57 mm), published 01.12.2023

The Thoth Tarot was painted by the artist Frieda Lady Harris under the guidance of the famous occultist Aleister Crowley. Although Lady Harris knew very little about Tarot and its symbolism, she transferred all the subtleties into the paintings with great sensitivity. Numerous cards were painted in several versions until they finally met Crowley’s approval. For this current new edition, revisions and slight corrections were again made to the image data in order to best reproduce the fidelity of the original paintings. In addition, single card names (in some language editions) were corrected and the booklet – with the original interpretive texts of Aleister Crowley – revised and expanded.

– The THOTH TAROT by Frieda Harris and Aleister Crowley is, next to the Tarot by A.E. Waite, the most important tarot deck
– Revised image data adapted to the original paintings
– Revised and supplemented booklet
– Partially newly translated card names
– 3 sizes available – Deluxe – Standard – Pocket (english editions)

Aleister Crowley Thoth Tarot (Deluxe Edition, English, GB)


Booklet with around 96 pages, 78 cards (140 x 95 mm), published 01.12.2023

The Thoth Tarot was painted by the artist Frieda Lady Harris under the guidance of the famous occultist Aleister Crowley. Although Lady Harris knew very little about Tarot and its symbolism, she transferred all the subtleties into the paintings with great sensitivity. Numerous cards were painted in several versions until they finally met Crowley’s approval. For this current new edition, revisions and slight corrections were again made to the image data in order to best reproduce the fidelity of the original paintings. In addition, single card names (in some language editions) were corrected and the booklet – with the original interpretive texts of Aleister Crowley – revised and expanded.

– The THOTH TAROT by Frieda Harris and Aleister Crowley is, next to the Tarot by A.E. Waite, the most important tarot deck
– Revised image data adapted to the original paintings
– Revised and supplemented booklet
– Partially newly translated card names
– 3 sizes available – Deluxe – Standard – Pocket (english editions)

Aleister Crowley Thoth Tarot Pocket GB (Pocket Edition)


Immerse yourself in the symbolic wealth of the Aleister Crowley Tarot. The painter Frieda Harris was herself an Egyptologist and worked about 1200 symbols into the 78 cards! These cards are fascinating in the depth of thinking which they reveal.
The Thoth Tarot was created by the famous Aleister Crowley (1875 – 1947). Lady Frieda Harris (1877 – 1962) painted the cards. Although Lady Harris knew little about Tarot and its symbolism, under the guidance of Crowley she transposed all subtilities of his ideas into her paintings. Many a card was painted in several versions, until one of them was approved by Crowley. The Crowley Thoth Tarot took over five years to be completed. It was first published in 1969, after the death of both Crowley and Lady Harris. The present edition was produced by utiliting the most advanced techniques of color seperation and printing, thus faithfully reproducing the stunning colors of the original paintings.
78 cards
57 x 89 mm
card language: english
instruction booklet: english

Crowley Thoth Tarot GB


Immerse yourself in the symbolic wealth of the Aleister Crowley Tarot. The painter Fried Harris was herself an Egyptologist and worked about 1200 symbols into the 78 cards! These cards are fascinating in the depth of thinking which they reveal. The Thoth Tarot was created by the famous Aleister Crowley (1875 – 1947). Lady Frieda Harris (1877 – 1962) painted the cards. Although Lady Harris knew little about Tarot and its symbolism, under the guidance of Crowley she transposed all subtilities of his ideas into her paintings. Many a card was painted in several versions, until one of them was approved by Crowley. The Crowley Thoth Tarot took over five years to be completed. It was first published in 1969, after the death of both Crowley and Lady Harris. The present edition was produced by utiliting the most advanced techniques of color seperation and printing, thus faithfully reproducing the stunning colors of the original paintings.
78 cards
57 x 89 mm
card language: english
instruction booklet: english

Il Tarocco Tarot Thoth di Aleister Crowley IT


Sumérgete en la riqueza simbólica del Aleister Crowley Tarot. La pintora Frieda Harris era ella misma una egiptóloga y trabajó alrededor de 1200 símbolos en las 78 cartas! Estas cartas son fascinantes en el profundidad de pensamiento que revelan. El Tarot Thoth fue creado por el famoso ocultista Aleister Crowley (1875 – 1947). Lady Frieda Harris (1877 – 1962) pintó las cartas. Aunque Lady Harris sabía poco sobre el Tarot y su simbolismo, bajo la guía de Crowley que transpuso todas las subtilidades de sus ideas en sus pinturas. Muchas cartas fueron pintadas en varias versiones, hasta que una de ellas fue aprobada por Crowley. El Crowley Thoth Tarot tardó más de cinco años en completarse. Fue publicado por primera vez en 1969, después de la muerte de Crowley y Lady Harris. La presente edición se produjo utilizando la técnicas avanzadas de separación e impresión del color, por lo tanto fielmente reproduciendo los impresionantes colores de las pinturas originales.

Il Tarocco Tarot Thoth di Aleister Crowley IT – Edizione standard


Immerse yourself in the symbolic wealth of the Aleister Crowley Tarot. The painter Frieda Harris was herself an Egyptologist and worked about 1200 symbols into the 78 cards! These cards are fascinating in the depth of thinking which they reveal. The Thoth Tarot was created by the famous occultist Aleister Crowley (1875 – 1947). Lady Frieda Harris (1877 – 1962) painted the cards. Although Lady Harris knew little about Tarot and its symbolism, under the guidance of Crowley she transposed all subtilities of his ideas into her paintings. Many a card was painted in several versions, until one of them was approved by Crowley. The Crowley Thoth Tarot took over five years to be completed. It was first published in 1969, after the death of both Crowley and Lady Harris. The present edition was produced by utiliting the most advanced techniques of color seperation and printing, thus faithfully reproducing the stunning colors of the original paintings.

78 cards 70 x 110 mm

Il Tarocco Tarot Thoth di Aleister Crowley IT – Thoth Tarot – Pocket Edizioni


Immergiti nella ricchezza simbolica dei Tarocchi di Aleister Crowley. Il pittore Frieda Harris era lei stessa egittologa e ha lavorato circa 1200 simboli nelle 78 carte! Queste carte sono affascinanti nel profondo del pensiero che rivelano. Il Tarot Thoth è stato creato dal famoso occultista Aleister Crowley (1875 – 1947). Lady Frieda Harris (1877 – 1962) dipinse le carte. Anche se Lady Harris sapeva poco dei Tarocchi e del suo simbolismo, sotto la guida di Crowley traspose tutte le sottosegretarie delle sue idee nei suoi dipinti. Molte carte sono state dipinte in diverse versioni, fino a quando una di esse non è stata approvata da Crowley. Il Tarot Crowley Thoth ha impiegato più di cinque anni per essere completato. È stato pubblicato per la prima volta nel 1969, dopo la morte di Crowley e Lady Harris. L’edizione presente è stata prodotta utilizzando le più avanzate tecniche di seperazione e stampa dei colori, riproducendo così fedelmente i colori mozzafiato dei dipinti originali.

Le Tarot Thoth par Aleister Crowley FR


Le Tarot de Thoth fut conçu par le célèbre ­philosophe occulte Aleister Crowley (1875-1947). ­L’artiste chargé de sa concrétisation fut Lady Frieda Harris (1877-1962), qui peignit les ­cartes durant les premières années de la ­Seconde Guerre ­Mondiale, de 1938 à 1942. Lady ­Harris dut peindre plusieurs versions de certaines ­cartes avant que Crowley ne les approuve. Bien que peu au fait du Tarot et de son symbolisme, son génie ­artistique sut donner vie aux visions et aux concepts de Crowley. Le jeu qui résulta de cette démarche réussit à exprimer ses idées et ses ­enseignements ésotériques, les rendant ­intuitivement accessibles à tout un chacun. Les cartes furent tout d’abord présentées dans le dernier chef-d’œuvre de Crowley, Le Livre de Thoth, avant que d’être enfin publiées, sous forme de jeu, en 1971.

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