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Марсельское Таро Convos (Russian Edition)


Марсельское Таро – одно из старейших и самых популярных карт Таро. Это не факсимиле, а основанное на старинной резьбе по дереву Марсельское Таро Николя Конверта XVIII века. Художник Отто Спалингер использовал совершенно новую окраску и учел различные иконографические традиции, чтобы добиться этой впечатляющей художественной колоды. Яркие цвета оживляют старые шаблоны новой яркой жизнью.

Marseille Tarot Convos SP


El Tarot de Marsella es uno de los Tarot más antiguos y populares de la historia. No es un facsímil, sino que está basado en la antigua presentación en madera del Tarot de Marsella de Nicolas Conver del siglo XVIII. El artista Otto Spalinger utilizó un colorido completamente nuevo y consideró diferentes tradiciones iconográficas para lograr esta baraja artísticamente impresionante. Los colores brillantes dan vida a las viejas plantillas.

Tarot de Marselha Convos- Português PT


O Tarot de Marseille é um dos Tarot mais antigos e populares de todos os tempos. Não se trata de um fac-símile, mas baseado na antiga apresentação em xilogravura do Tarot de Marselha por Nicolas Conver do século XVIII. O artista Otto Spalinger usou uma coloração completamente nova e considerou diferentes tradições iconográficas para conseguir este deck artisticamente impressionante. As cores brilhantes trazem os modelos antigos para uma vida nova e brilhante.

The Secret of Successful Wishing GB


The world is full of magical places, powerful and energetic. When we get in touch with these places, we can greatly increase our wish craft. The author has visited 49 of these specials locations and taken photographs of them. Each and every one of them can become a mighty and positive resonance field for you, enabling you to fulfill all of your desires.
Including 21 instruction cards, 49 affirmation cards.

Tarot of Gemstones & Crystals GB


“The power of gemstones, minerals, and crystals combine with the wisdom of tarot to create a unique and sparkling deck of full-color photographs. As a special feature of this Tarot, the cards which have been drawn can also be used to resolve the respective task or situation by using, carrying, or wearing the stones or metals described.” 78 cards & instruction booklet.

Tarot for Magical Times GB


The authors, Rachel Pollack and Johannes Fiebig, focus on the daily Tarot card and offer interpretations for each of the 78 Tarot cards. In addition the current crucial period of transformation with “Pluto in Capricorn”. It has become common practice, since the time of the renowned Order of the Golden Dawn, To assign the Tarot cards to individual sections of the yearly cycle (the decans). This quality of time, which the Tarot cards also express (which, however, is largely unknown) is skillfully used by the authors. Both are experienced Tarot experts with sales of over a million Tarot books each. Book, english, 160 pp. fully coloured

Divine Flow Set


The Divine Flow Set is a great new tool to bring divine flow into your life. You can discover solutions to problems, find guidance for your next step on your spiritual path, or simply be inspired to make your life more joyful. Angels, masters and divine beings of light connect with you each time to reflect the exact quality of divine flow that can help you to find a new direction and open your mind for joy and peace. Contents 54 cloured cards (9.5x14cm). Book with 118 pages.

Marseille Tarot Convos FR


Le Tarot de Marseille est l’un des Tarot les plus anciens et les plus populaires de tous les temps. Il ne s’agit pas d’un facsimilé mais basé sur l’ancienne présentation en bois du Tarot de Marseille par Nicolas Conver du 18ème siècle. L’artiste Otto Spalinger a utilisé une toute nouvelle coloration et a considéré différentes traditions iconographiques pour réaliser ce jeu artistiquement impressionnant. Les couleurs vives donnent aux anciens modèles une nouvelle vie étincelante.

Tarot de las Mujeres Sabias – SP


El Tarot del Viejo Camino fue creado por dos líderes del oficio Wiccano, con algunas de las voces más articuladas del movimiento como asesores contribuyentes. Esta baraja única sirve como un enfoque moderno de lo que se conoce como el mágico Antigua religión, el oficio o el antiguo camino de la sabiduría femenina. La vibrante obra de arte y el claro simbolismo de la baraja se mantienen tanto atractivo para los lectores de tarot no wiccanos.

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