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Tarot of A.E. Waite (Premium Edition, Deluxe, Spanish)


Les cartes de tarot populaires d’Arthur E. Waite et Pamela Colman Smith. Cette édition se compose d’une boîte à couvercle inférieur robuste avec un livret d’instructions détaillé de 96 pages avec des textes de Rachel Pollack et Johannes Fiebig. Le recto des cartes offre une belle réimpression des couleurs des cartes historiques. Le dos des cartes présente le fameux galet marron à l’arrière c’était le tout verso de la première impression des cartes d’A.E. Waite et Pamela Colman Smith en 1909.

78 cartes, 99 x 169 mm

Tarot of A.E. Waite (Premium Edition, Pocket, GB)


The popular Tarot Cards of Arthur E. Waite and Pamela Colman Smith. This edition consists of a sturdy bottom lid box with a detailed instruction booklet of 96 pages with texts from Rachel Pollack and Johannes Fiebig. The frontsides of the cards offer the a beautiful reprint of the colors of the historic cards. The back of the cards shows the famous brown pebble back that was the very backside of the first printing of the cards from A.E. Waite and Pamela Colman Smith in 1909.

78 cards, 57 x 89 mm

Tarot of A.E. Waite (Premium Edition, Pocket, Portuguese)


As populares cartas de tarô de Arthur E. Waite e Pamela Colman Smith. Esta edição consiste em uma caixa com tampa inferior resistente e um livreto de instruções detalhado de 96 páginas com textos de Rachel Pollack e Johannes Fiebig. A parte frontal dos cartões oferece a uma bela reedição das cores das cartas históricas. O verso dos cartões mostra a famosa pedra marrom de volta isso foi o verso da primeira impressão dos cartões de AE Waite e Pamela Colman Smith em 1909.

78 cartas, 57 x 89 mm

Tarot of A.E. Waite (Premium Edition, Pocket, Spanish)


Les cartes de tarot populaires d’Arthur E. Waite et Pamela Colman Smith. Cette édition se compose d’une boîte à couvercle inférieur robuste avec un livret d’instructions détaillé de 96 pages avec des textes de Rachel Pollack et Johannes Fiebig. Le recto des cartes offre une belle réimpression des couleurs des cartes historiques. Le dos des cartes présente le fameux galet marron à l’arrière c’était le tout verso de la première impression des cartes d’A.E. Waite et Pamela Colman Smith en 1909.

Tarot of A.E. Waite (Premium Edition, Standard, French)


Les cartes de tarot populaires d’Arthur E. Waite et Pamela Colman Smith. Cette édition se compose d’une boîte à couvercle inférieur robuste avec un livret d’instructions détaillé de 96 pages avec des textes de Rachel Pollack et Johannes Fiebig. Le recto des cartes offrent une belle réimpression aux couleurs des cartes historiques. Le dos des cartes présente le fameux galet marron reviens ça était l’envers de la première impression des cartes d’A.E. Waite et Pamela Colman Smith en 1909.

Tarot of A.E. Waite (Premium Edition, Standard, GB)


The popular Tarot Cards of Arthur E. Waite and Pamela Colman Smith. This edition consists of a sturdy bottom lid box with a detailed instruction booklet of 96 pages with texts from Rachel Pollack and Johannes Fiebig. The frontsides of the cards offer the a beautiful reprint of the colors of the historic cards. The back of the cards shows the famous brown pebble back that was the very backside of the first printing of the cards from A.E. Waite and Pamela Colman Smith in 1909.

78 cards, 70 x 120 mm

Tarot of A.E. Waite (Premium Edition, Standard, Portuguese)


As populares cartas de tarô de Arthur E. Waite e Pamela Colman Smith. Esta edição consiste em uma caixa com tampa inferior resistente e um livreto de instruções detalhado de 96 páginas com textos de Rachel Pollack e Johannes Fiebig. A parte frontal dos cartões oferece a uma bela reedição das cores das cartas históricas. O verso dos cartões mostra a famosa pedra marrom de volta isso foi o verso da primeira impressão dos cartões de AE ​​Waite e Pamela Colman Smith em 1909.

78 cards, 70 x 120 mm

Tarot of A.E. Waite (Premium Edition, Standard, Spanish)


Les cartes de tarot populaires d’Arthur E. Waite et Pamela Colman Smith. Cette édition se compose d’une boîte à couvercle inférieur robuste avec un livret d’instructions détaillé de 96 pages avec des textes de Rachel Pollack et Johannes Fiebig. Le recto des cartes offre une belle réimpression des couleurs des cartes historiques. Le dos des cartes présente le fameux galet marron à l’arrière c’était le tout verso de la première impression des cartes d’A.E. Waite et Pamela Colman Smith en 1909.

78 cards, 70 x 120 mm

Tarot von A.E. Waite – iCards GB


Release date: 31.3.2022

78 tarot cards with interactive additional options incl. link to the free app in the App Store or Play Store.

Experience a new dimension of card-reading!
Tarot-iCards are 78 tarot cards by A.E. Waite that offer you completely new possibilities: Draw a card and scan it with your mobile phone or tablet. In an app you can read the interpretation, integrate it into different reading patterns and save each reading with notes, date and questions. This way you can create your own tarot diary. In addition, novel magnifying glass effects show you the symbols of the Major Arcana in detail and explain their respective meanings.
The app texts come from Hajo Banzhaf and the book “Tarot für dich – Selfcare und Empowerment mit den magischen Karten” by Noemi Christoph. They also give you a lot of background as well as tips on how you can creatively use tarot as a modern tool of self-care in your everyday life.

Vision Quest Tarot GB


The Native American Wisdom by Gayan Sylvie Winter & Jo Dosé

The Vision Quest Tarot is designed to increase our awareness of cosmic forces and how they influence our individual paths.

Changed perspectives, brought about every new phase, naturally shift our focus and expand our views.

We discover new aspects of our own sub- or unconscious and learn to understand its messages.

78 cards and detailed instruction booklet

Vision Quest Tarot SP


El tarot de la sabiduría amerindia de Gayan Silvie Winter & Jo Dosé

Todos queremos estar más  despiertos y ser más libres en nuestro  pensamiento, en nuestra  consciencia, en nuestro modo de vivir.

Con sus símbolos potentes, claros y  sencillos el tarot Vision-Quest puede ser de gran ayuda para tomar consciencia de las fuerzas del cosmos y del espíritu en el propio vivir.

78 cartas del tarot y un manual de instrucciones detallado.

A Shaman Oracle – 40 Mythical Soul Images from the Indian Southwest


Path of the Shaman refers to an inner attitude. It requires a naturally attentive yet fully relaxed opening for the wholeness of Life. Let us dive into this spiritual way of being

and let us start our personal Vision Quest, our finding and manifesting purpose.

Author and artist convey in sensitive manner many aspects of the background and various accesses to the Path of the Shaman – based on sound mythological, spiritual and historic foundations. You find out more about the origin and meaning of the 40 symbols and images, you learn about several methods of laying out the cards and interpreting them. And you will read about brief rituals and practical exercises to experience more of the power of these symbols.


40 cards

70 x 110 mm

180 full colored booklet

spread sheet 43 x 50 cm

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