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Aleister Crowley Thoth Tarot Pocket GB (Pocket Edition)


Immerse yourself in the symbolic wealth of the Aleister Crowley Tarot. The painter Frieda Harris was herself an Egyptologist and worked about 1200 symbols into the 78 cards! These cards are fascinating in the depth of thinking which they reveal.
The Thoth Tarot was created by the famous Aleister Crowley (1875 – 1947). Lady Frieda Harris (1877 – 1962) painted the cards. Although Lady Harris knew little about Tarot and its symbolism, under the guidance of Crowley she transposed all subtilities of his ideas into her paintings. Many a card was painted in several versions, until one of them was approved by Crowley. The Crowley Thoth Tarot took over five years to be completed. It was first published in 1969, after the death of both Crowley and Lady Harris. The present edition was produced by utiliting the most advanced techniques of color seperation and printing, thus faithfully reproducing the stunning colors of the original paintings.
78 cards
57 x 89 mm
card language: english
instruction booklet: english

Il Tarocco Tarot Thoth di Aleister Crowley IT – Thoth Tarot – Pocket Edizioni


Immergiti nella ricchezza simbolica dei Tarocchi di Aleister Crowley. Il pittore Frieda Harris era lei stessa egittologa e ha lavorato circa 1200 simboli nelle 78 carte! Queste carte sono affascinanti nel profondo del pensiero che rivelano. Il Tarot Thoth è stato creato dal famoso occultista Aleister Crowley (1875 – 1947). Lady Frieda Harris (1877 – 1962) dipinse le carte. Anche se Lady Harris sapeva poco dei Tarocchi e del suo simbolismo, sotto la guida di Crowley traspose tutte le sottosegretarie delle sue idee nei suoi dipinti. Molte carte sono state dipinte in diverse versioni, fino a quando una di esse non è stata approvata da Crowley. Il Tarot Crowley Thoth ha impiegato più di cinque anni per essere completato. È stato pubblicato per la prima volta nel 1969, dopo la morte di Crowley e Lady Harris. L’edizione presente è stata prodotta utilizzando le più avanzate tecniche di seperazione e stampa dei colori, riproducendo così fedelmente i colori mozzafiato dei dipinti originali.

Tarot for Magical Times GB


The authors, Rachel Pollack and Johannes Fiebig, focus on the daily Tarot card and offer interpretations for each of the 78 Tarot cards. In addition the current crucial period of transformation with “Pluto in Capricorn”. It has become common practice, since the time of the renowned Order of the Golden Dawn, To assign the Tarot cards to individual sections of the yearly cycle (the decans). This quality of time, which the Tarot cards also express (which, however, is largely unknown) is skillfully used by the authors. Both are experienced Tarot experts with sales of over a million Tarot books each. Book, english, 160 pp. fully coloured

Old Lenormand – 3 Languages (German /English / French)


Historical cards – rediscovered

The atmosphere of the early ­Lenormand-cards – an ­invitation to a very special experience.
36 historical cards in their ­original format (44 x 75 mm),
with pointy corners (typical for the time) in a lovely sturdy box.

The accompanying booklet by ­Alexander Glück draws a ­fascinating line from the ­primordial cards to todays ­application of them.

36 Cards
44 x 75 mm
96 page-booklet
Booklet in English, French and German

The Primal Lenormand (English, French, German)


Reprint of the original cards from 1799.

By kind permission of the British Museum, London, edited by Alexander Glueck. The game was conceived by Johann Kaspar Hechtel and published in Nuremberg in 1799 as a parlour game. This is where we meet all the characters seen later in the Lenormand cards: the rider, the stork, the mice, the fish, etc. The booklet includes the historic game rules and instructions how to read this oracle today.

Three language edition: English, French, German

36 cards

80 x 110 mm

card language: none

instruction booklet: english, french & german

Vision Tarot


The Vision Tarot is an interesting purely photographic Tarot deck. Each of the 78 cards shows scenes with real people and real objects – a novel change from the usual Tarot drawings or paintings.

78 cards
70 x 120 mm
card language: english
bookle: english

The Secret of Successful Wishing GB


The world is full of magical places, powerful and energetic. When we get in touch with these places, we can greatly increase our wish craft. The author has visited 49 of these specials locations and taken photographs of them. Each and every one of them can become a mighty and positive resonance field for you, enabling you to fulfill all of your desires.
Including 21 instruction cards, 49 affirmation cards.

Mystical Lenormand – The Book


Finally available in English! A perfect companion to the Mystical Lenormand cards. In this book, Regula Elizabeth Fiechter describes the images and the interpretations of each card and explains how combinations affect the interpretation. Though tips and suggestions are provided, the reader’s own stimulated intuition is used to supply a successful and helpful interpretation. For animal lovers, the Mystical Lenormand is especially attractive—each card carries the image of at least one animal. The Mystical Lenormand is modelled on cards which were used by Marie-Anne Lenormand, a prominent and popular French seeress of the 19th century.

Anne Anka’s Wise Cards


Wise duck Anne Anka helps you getting through! A card a day keeps the stress and the strain away. Get active, and trust in your intention. Anne knows how to enjoy change as an opportunity that gives us a boost. Stay mindful, Anna says, time is on your side.

55 Cards
70 x 120 mm
76 page-booklet
Cards & Booklet in English

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