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Titel Osho Zen Tarot – Japanese


The Osho Zen Tarot focuses on gaining an understanding of the here and now. It is a system based on the wisdom of Zen, a wisdom that says events in the outer world simply reflect our own thoughts and feelings, even though we ourselves might be unclear about what those thoughts and feelings are. So if it helps us to turn our attention away from outside events so we can find a new clarity of understanding about what is happening in our inner most hearts.

Aleister Crowley Thoth Tarot (Pocket Edition, English, GB)


Booklet with around 96 pages, 78 cards (84 x 57 mm), published 01.12.2023

The Thoth Tarot was painted by the artist Frieda Lady Harris under the guidance of the famous occultist Aleister Crowley. Although Lady Harris knew very little about Tarot and its symbolism, she transferred all the subtleties into the paintings with great sensitivity. Numerous cards were painted in several versions until they finally met Crowley’s approval. For this current new edition, revisions and slight corrections were again made to the image data in order to best reproduce the fidelity of the original paintings. In addition, single card names (in some language editions) were corrected and the booklet – with the original interpretive texts of Aleister Crowley – revised and expanded.

– The THOTH TAROT by Frieda Harris and Aleister Crowley is, next to the Tarot by A.E. Waite, the most important tarot deck
– Revised image data adapted to the original paintings
– Revised and supplemented booklet
– Partially newly translated card names
– 3 sizes available – Deluxe – Standard – Pocket (english editions)

Dreaming Way Lenormand


This charming 36-card Petit Lenormand deck offers fresh, new perspectives for this traditional system of fortune telling. Contemporary Korean artist Kwon Shina’s imaginative style of artwork provides the reader with clever visual cues that capture the mood, nuances, and inner meanings of the cards. When you look at the Dog card, you will know in an instant this card portrays loyal friendship, not a threat. If you are learning Lenormand for the first time, this is a delightful deck to learn the core meanings. If you are already familiar with the Lenormand system, Kwon’s dreamy images will inspire you to look at Lenormand in a whole new way. The 92-page booklet offers keywords, quotations and interpretations that help the reader understand the lively narrative interplay between the 36 cards. Dreaming Way Lenormand will allow you to do insightful readings that bring clarity to any situation, whether you are working with pairs of cards, the Grand Tableau or one of the starter spreads suggested in the instructions.

Tarot Thoth de Aleister Crowley PT – Thoth Tarot – edição padrão – Standard


Mergulhe na riqueza simbólica do tarô de Aleister Crowley. O pintor Frieda Harris foi-se um egiptologista e trabalhou cerca de 1200 símbolos para os 78 cartões! Estes cartões são fascinantes na profundidade de pensar que eles revelam. O Tarot Thoth foi criado pelo famoso occultista Aleister Crowley (1875-1947). Lady FriedaHarris (1877-1962) pintou as cartas. Embora Lady Harris soubesse pouco sobre Tarot e seu simbolismo, a orientação de Crowley, ela transpôs todas as subtleities de suas idéias em suas pinturas. Muitos um cartão foi pintado em várias versões, até que um deles foi aprovado por Crowley. O Tarot de Crowley Thoth fêz exame sobre de cinco anos a ser terminado. Foi publicado pela primeira vez em 1969, após a morte de Crowley e Lady Harris. A presente edição foi produzida através do aproveitamento das mais avançadas técnicas de seperação e impressão de cores, reproduzindo fielmente as cores deslumbrantes das pinturas originais. Versao do Tarot de Aleister Crowley em Portugu ‘ s impresso pela editora AG Muller. contém um baralho com 78 cartas. Inclui livreto com instru es em Portugués de Portugal. Esta é a edio em Portugu s do famoso tar é Aleister Crowley, uma figura misteriosa e controversa, o maior mago do século XX-pintada por Lady Frieda Harris. Este orculo é uma das pedras angulares da cartomancia e do Esoterismo no mundo.

Tarot of the Old Path


Tarot of the Old Path was created by two leaders of the Wiccan craft, with some of the most articulate voices in the movement as contributing advisors. This unique deck serves as a modern approach to what is known as the magical Old Religion, the Craft, or the Old Path of female wisdom. The deck’s vibrant artwork and clear symbolism holds just as much appeal for non-wiccan tarot readers.

Las Cartas del Cuervo SP


Con palabras e imágenes claras, pero de ninguna manera superficiales, las Raven Cards proporcionan un fondo siempre presente de sugerencias – y conocimientos que arrojan diluz sobre situaciones difíciles, proporcionan una clave para resolver un problema espinoso o simplemente señalan camino a seguir. Estar en contacto con el Cuervo significa aprovechar tus propios recursos de alegría interior y ecuanimidad.

Fairy Tale Cards Matching Game GB


This stunningly beautiful card game has been illustrated by several well-known artists. It consists of 32 x 2 cards whereupon the match up pairs show no identical images but two different scenes from the respective fairy tale. A detailed introduction booklet illustrates all matching pairs as well as an abbreviated version of each fairy tale. With selected fairy tales by the Brothers Grimm and Hans Christian Andersen.

Osho Zen Tarot, jeu (FR)


Le Tarot Zen d’Osho se concentre sur l’acquisition d’une compréhension de l’ici et maintenant. C’est un système basé sur la sagesse du Zen, une sagesse qui dit que les événements du monde extérieur reflètent simplement nos propres pensées et sentiments, même si nous nous pourrions ne pas savoir ce que sont ces pensées et ces sentiments. Donc, si cela nous aide à détourner notre attention de événements extérieurs afin que nous puissions trouver une nouvelle clarté de compréhension de ce qui se passe dans nos cœurs les plus intimes.

Sabiduria serena y entranable Mensajes de amor del reino de las hadas SP


Visionary artist Sasha St John charms and inspires her audience with her sensitive watercolors. For the first time ever, 60 ofher watercolor images of fairies are gathered together in the new inspiration deck Gentle Wisdom of the Faerie Realms. Thiswonderfully luminescent deck comes boxed complete with a full color 72 page guide booklet. The booklet shows each cardin color along with a message written by the artist to provide a basis for reflection, contemplation, or inspiration.her watercolor images of fairies are gathered together in the new inspiration deck Gentle Wisdom of the Faerie Realms. Thiswonderfully luminescent deck comes boxed complete with a full color 72 page guide booklet. The booklet shows each cardin color along with a message written by the artist to provide a basis for reflection, contemplation, or inspiration.
En esta versión en español de The Gentle Wisdom of the Fairy Realms Inspiration/Oracle Deck visionaria artista Sasha St John encanta e inspira a su audiencia con sus sensibles acuarelas. Por primera vez en la historia, 60 de sus imágenes de acuarela de hadas se reúnen en la plataforma de inspiración Sabiduría suave de los reinos de la hada. Esta cubierta maravillosamente luminiscente viene en cajita completa con un folleto de guía a todo color de 72 páginas. El folleto muestra cada tarjeta en color junto con un mensaje escrito por el artista para proporcionar una base para la reflexión, la contemplación o la inspiración. Permita que la belleza y la sabiduría de los reinos más espeluznantes influyan en su vida. Este maravilloso puente entre el Reino de la Hadería y el nuestro hará las delicias e inspirará a personas de todas las edades, desde niños hasta adultos, con imágenes pacíficas y recordatorios reflexivos para honrar nuestra propia sabiduría suave todos los días.

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