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Christephania Kipper GB


Fascinating new interpretation of traditional oracle cards!

The unusual collages of these cards take us into dream-like sceneries. With this deck the artist and Kipper specialist Christephania has created a relaunch of the traditional Biedermeier cards. While the basic meanings of the classic cards have been retained, much has been modernized and the symbolism expanded so that the images allow us to dive into deep levels of our soul. The detailed and insightful texts in the booklet offer explanations and interpretation aids for each cards.

Contents: 36 Kipper cards and 128-page booklet

Tarot of A.E. Waite (Premium Edition, Standard, Portuguese)


As populares cartas de tarô de Arthur E. Waite e Pamela Colman Smith. Esta edição consiste em uma caixa com tampa inferior resistente e um livreto de instruções detalhado de 96 páginas com textos de Rachel Pollack e Johannes Fiebig. A parte frontal dos cartões oferece a uma bela reedição das cores das cartas históricas. O verso dos cartões mostra a famosa pedra marrom de volta isso foi o verso da primeira impressão dos cartões de AE ​​Waite e Pamela Colman Smith em 1909.

78 cards, 70 x 120 mm

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